Activity Indices

Freight department performance data

Cargo transported, thous.tons
1st six months 933,8 965,3 877,3 1 194,0 1 216,5
Calendar year 2015,1 2 047,1 1 862,6 2 340,4 2 396,2

Freight turnover, thous. tons-km

1st six months 1 203 966,8 1 206 310,8 961 895,8 937 763,8 933 826
Calendar year 2 251 878,0 2 705 563,9 1 983 659,1 2 083 744,2 2 000 000
13,2mln tons

of cargoes transported
from 2006 to 2015

Dynamics of cargo transportation volume growth

We strive to constantly increase the volume of transportation, expand the range of goods and the geography of transportation More about the development dynamics of "Prime Shipping"